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What’s Your Goal in 2023?

It’s 2023, and you’ve survived three of the hardest years in modern history, 2020-2022. Claim that this year, 2023, will bring you your best life. Have you designed your goals yet? (If you want to start your goals in 2023 now, Click here to take our Basics of Goal Setting course Now

We’ve seen how the pandemic halted the world in an instant, and we’re still seeing the rapid changes that happen to the world every day. So are goals still relevant these days, even if we know challenges and change lie ahead?

Yes, they are, now more than ever! Goals give you a mark to aim for, and a direction to pursue. In a world that’s distracted and full of rapid changes, a goal puts you back to your course even if you get temporarily derailed.

Do you need an anchor or inspiration to set your goals for 2023? Start with your Purpose. Your purpose is a long-term belief of what you can and will do – for yourself, your family and friends, for your organization or community, and for the larger world. If life were a quest, your purpose is the treasure; your goals serve as your map and compass on getting there and achieving your purpose.

How committed are you to these goals in 2023? Your level of commitment to the goals that you’ve set determines your achievement: your goals will remain on paper if your commitment is weak, and your goals will lift you high if your commitment is strong. Commitment will keep you going when tough times happen, and will keep you pursuing your goals no matter what happens, and no matter how you feel.

Seal that commitment by cementing your knowledge on the essentials of Goals Setting!

Click here to take our Basics of Goal Setting course and learn about

  • Essential elements of goal setting
  • Factors that can impact commitment
  • Discovering your purpose
  • Understanding the pleasure-pain principle
  • Start planning for your goals

Start your best year yet by setting goals that will give you your best life!

1. Once in the website, you can access your course in the My Account page > My Courses. Click the expand button to see