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Our online platform provides world-class learning that equips and empowers those who desire to reach the next level, but don't know where to start.


July 28, 2023

LeadEX is a conference that brings together the unique and diverse perspectives of 7 seasoned Thought Leaders. In this 4-hour compact leadership conference, you’ll hear 7 Highly-Impactful, Powerful Talks



Every day is a chance to be better. Select from our courses below and take another step to your next level.


Vivian Leyes

Former Direct Report at Arvato Bertelsmann, IT Professional and Global Lead for Client Operations and Services with 15 years of experience in ITBPM industry

As a supervisor in our organization for about 4 years, I felt I have been working hard deserving to be promoted. Despite the skills I had and getting recognised as a great talent, senior management keeps on hiring externally over promoting us internally. Tet came along one day and pulled me over for coffee and she made me realise that I should be balancing my skill set with core competencies for the role I aim for. After 6 months of working smart instead of hard, I got promoted! I cannot forget how her gift of ‘what brought you here won’t get you there’ mentoring worked. Up to this day, I am using the same approach to my team and would always share that personal experience when Tet guided me. She is a balance of super mom, super leader, super wife and inspiring woman I look up to!

Dandreb Samonte

Wellness Coach

I finished the course The Coach-Leader because I want to improve my coaching and leadership skills. The course had practical applications and was easy to understand. What I also found to be most useful in the course is the reminder to be open to our team member’s ideas

Duyên Ngo

Former Leadership Development Program Trainee now Wealth and Invest Digital Solution Lead at Citibank 8 years of experience in the banking industry

I’m from Vietnam and I was part of the Leadership Development program of Citibank for 2 years in which I had to travel and work in different locations in APAC. The Philippines was my first rotation and beyond my expectation, I had to face a lot of challenges in adapting to the new environment and working culture. Luckily, I had Tet as my manager. She helped me professionally and personally by guiding me how to improve my skill sets and how to adapt with a new environment. Thanks to her, I was able to deliver the result, had good exposure to the management team and built a rapport relationship with the team. She’s a superb coach!

Karren Bautista

Former colleague at Citi, Working mom with 17 years of experience in BPO and Global Workforce Industry, Transformed from being a Passive Employee to a Consistent Top Performer.

9 years ago when I was starting out in Citi, I will definitely describe myself as a passive employee, someone who was just there to bring home a paycheck. I didn’t care much about anything. However, when Tet became my mentor, everything started to change. She saw the leadership potential in me and helped me develop it. She made me understand the importance of establishing a better culture in the work environment and the power each one has to influence it. I am a consistent top performer and also just got promoted, thanks to the great mentorship and inspiration from Ms. Tet!

Armin Joseph Tolentino

Former colleague at Dell, Operational Excellence / Project Management professional

I used to be a senior trainer when I met Tet several years ago. During that time, I was still unsure what career path to take. Tet provided mentoring, helped me upskill myself and led me to the right direction. Fast forward to the present, I am now a successful operational excellence and project management professional. Thanks to Tet.


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