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How to Stand Out at Work and Get that Promotion?


At entry-level, promotions seem to come easily, but for most people climbing the ranks, there may come a point that you feel like your career has plateaued.



At entry-level, promotions seem to come easily, but for most people climbing the ranks, there may come a point that you feel like your career has plateaued. No matter how hard you try, the company doesn’t seem to notice, and the culture gets more and more competitive. This is the time when you must stand out and fast.

Whether you’re in an entry-level position or a senior in your company, promotions don’t automatically come when you hit your annual targets. To get noticed and be promoted entails creating value for the organization and yourself, and making it known to your colleagues and your bosses. It may sound simple, but it requires a lot more than simply bragging about what you’ve accomplished for the company.

To create value for your company and yourself, you need to go beyond what everyone else is offering. Find a “plus” factor that you can add, that will make everyone take notice. Always remember that if everyone else is doing the same thing as reaching targets, and adding revenue, that becomes the bare minimum that you can do to remain competitive in the organization.


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